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Enjoy Your Home Redesign


UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer

Time Frame:

3 weeks


Samia K. and Laura T.


Enjoy Your Home (EYH) is a service that helps individuals declutter and organise their homes using the KonMari Method™. It helps create a home that brings joy and allows clients to live the life they desire.


EYH clients are struggling to understand the services provided and need a better way to recognise the value of each service. The consultation booking process isn’t very clear and a lack of clarity is preventing potential clients from enquiring further.


Redesign the website to effectively communicate the services offered and provide users with a simplified consultation booking process.

Design Process

The double diamond design process was used as it emphasises user-centred design and provides a structured approach to gain insights, identify the problem and refine and implement the chosen solution.

Phase 1: Discover

Research Objectives

1. What are the users main pain points when interacting with the website?
2. How much do users understand about the KonMari method and the services offered?
3. How important are the images and language used on the website in convincing users to book a consultation?
4. How can the consultation booking process be improved?

Stakeholder Research

Interview with Client

We did some initial research to assess EYH’s current website and conducted an interview with the client to better understand her services and what changes she would like to see within the website.

Key Takeaways:
  • Reduce text and make it visually appealing
  • Introduce a booking flow for the online consultation
  • Explain services better so users can fully understand what she offers
  • Introduce service packages to meet the needs of various people such as online courses or webinars for busy professionals so they can get the most value for money based on their lifestyle

“I want people to feel hope when they come to my website. There is hope for everyone to improve their home and live the life they want. I want people to have confidence in my services”

Vera k., owner of eyh

User Interviews

Our goal with conducting user interviews was to gain an idea of what users’ understanding is of the current website and what they would expect from her services.

  • We constructed our questions around people’s cleaning habits, their understanding of the KonMari method and what having a tidy home means to them
  • We were interested in knowing what the determining factors were in deciding to use a service like EYH
  • We also wanted users to share their thoughts on the look and feel of the website and their digital habits, to guide our design decisions

We conducted 6 user interviews and gained the following insights:

  • Users expect a website that is clean and reflects the minimal style of the method. They expressed that there was too much information which was confusing and the different styles didn’t reflect with the KonMari method being promoted
  • The images used for client case studies don’t portray the problems and solutions and it is not directly clear the impact that EYH’s services made
  • Not enough clarity around what services are provided as this information isn’t shown in a structured way. Users are unable to have confidence in EYH services as it is unclear whether they would be useful for their specific needs
  • Users are unsure of what to expect from a free consultation and how useful this would be in helping them decide to use the services
  • Testimonials are too long and users wouldn’t spend that much time reading them, makes it difficult to build trust in the services

Competitor Analysis

We conducted an analysis with EYH’s competitors to understand their strategy. Based on this we found important features the EYH website was missing that could be incorporated in the redesign.

Research Summary

Following the competitor analysis, we used affinity mapping to review and identify patterns within the data to give us the following findings:

  • Users would be interested in her services but require more understanding of what she offers
  • Expect a site that is simple, easy to understand with clear visuals
  • Preference for online booking process where they can make changes without having to contact anyone
  • Rely heavily on reviews and case studies to see effectiveness of a service
Phase 2: Define

Empathy Map

We created an empathy map based on our research to give us a realistic representation of who the users are and their intentions for visiting the website.

User Personas

We also created user stories to help outline what users are trying to do, why EYH’s services will be important to them, and what real problems they can help solve. Based on this we set up 3 personas that we referred to throughout the redesign process.

Problem Statement

We developed a problem statement with the main areas of focus being 1) Showcasing services 2) Client scheduling and 3) Visual appeal and trustworthiness of services.

We hypothesised that by creating different packages in a visually appealing way, we would provide users with not only clarity on EYH’s services but also manage a general first expectation about the services. We will know this to be true when the client starts receiving specific questions regarding information showcased in those packages and increased consultation bookings.

Phase 3: Develop


  • From the define phase it became clear that there was a need to incorporate an online booking system and service packages which became a focal point during the design process
  • We created a user flow and added new pages for the booking process that would allow users to easily book an online consultation through the website. We also decided to add information on the Services and Free Consultation page on what the consultation call would entail
  • We decided to introduce service packages in 3 categories including In-home, Corporate and Online which would allow users to clearly understand what each package involved and which would be best based on their needs


With a clear definition of the problem and a better understanding of what users were looking for, we began wireframing. We created multiple versions of the homepage and compiled ideas from each that would work best.

Feedback from users highlighted the website was cluttered so we took a minimalistic approach and decided to have additional information on the relevant pages as opposed to everything being on the homepage.

Phase 4: Deliver

Initial Prototype and User Testing

From our paper wireframes we created an initial prototype using Figma and conducted user tests. The aim was to get an idea of users’ first impression of the new website layout.

We had 5 users with differing levels of knowledge about the KonMari method share their screen and navigate around the prototype whilst saying out loud their thoughts on what they saw. A few things they were asked were:

  1. Can you share your understanding of the services offered and explain how you think they might work?

The aim was to have the users navigate to the services page from the new homepage and gauge their understanding of the services offered following the introduction of service packages to meet different requirements.

  1. Can you please try to book a free consultation?

The aim was to test the user booking flow by looking at how well the users would be able to complete the task and make amendments based on feedback.

Insights and Iterations

We gathered insights from the testing process and made the following changes to the prototype:

  • Users found the booking process to be clear but would like the flows to be merged from the home page and services page so they land on the same page
  • Services are easy to understand but still need to make clear the difference between each i.e. is it for home, office or online
  • A brief description of each service and service duration would be helpful
  • Design looks clean and professional but CTA buttons on the homepage need to stand out more

Hi-fi Prototype

We moved to creating another iteration of the prototype following feedback from user testing. By applying these changes to the hi-fi prototype and conducting another round of testing, the results revealed the changes had a significant impact in enhancing the user booking experience and providing users with an improved understanding of the services through specific packages.

Figma Prototype Link

Client Feedback and Next Steps

Having presented our solution to the client, we received positive feedback particularly with the service packages we introduced. The client appreciated how the services are split into 3 categories based on users’ needs and it will help her expand her offerings by providing online services as well as the regular in home sessions.

For future iterations I would:

  • Improve the Projects page by adding a gallery of additional case studies
  • Add a full Tips and Inspo section linked to the content that the client is already creating on her social media to give an updated feel to the website and create more engagement with users
  • Conduct further user research and testing to iterate and improve the overall UI design

Final Takeaways

  • This project gave me a thorough understanding of the different phases of the design process
  • Making simple changes to a webpage like amending buttons or adding additional descriptions can make a big difference in improving the user experience
  • Having an understanding of what’s best for the business will sometimes be very different to what users actually need and this really highlighted the importance of conducting thorough research before designing